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Divine Guidance for Life & Business

Unlock Your Potential
and Elevate Your Success

Are you ready to transform your life and business?


This isn't just another session; it's an invitation to tap into the divine wisdom that's uniquely yours.


Imagine accessing insights that propel you towards clarity, fulfilment, and success.


Welcome to a transformative experience where spiritual wisdom meets practical strategy. 


Welcome to the Divine Guidance for Life and Business experience.

The Power of Your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides

Your Higher Self and your personal mentors, your spirit Guides, play a pivotal role in this transformative experience.


They are your advisors, concierges, and coordinators, understanding not just your aspirations but also the path leading to your fullest potential.


From unlocking the secrets of true love to navigating breakthrough business or creative ideas, the Divine, your Higher Self and your Guides are your allies in attaining your best life.

Your Records, Your Power

The Akashic Records act as a personalised Google search for your soul.

From fears and worries to illnesses and past lives, there's no limit to the questions you can explore.


Your record is yours, and you have complete access to understanding every facet of your soul and its journey.

DALL·E 2024-07-30 16.10.23 - A serene and mystical landscape with a sunset over a calm oce
DALL·E 2024-07-30 18.03.22 - A serene and mystical landscape with a sunset over a calm oce

Topics we can Explore

There are no boundaries to the questions we can explore:


  • Spirit of Your Business

       Gain insights and guidance for your business by                     aligning with its Soul.

  • Metaphysics of Marketing

       Unlock the secrets of effective marketing and product           or service creation.

  • Abundance Activation 

       Learn how to attract abundance in all areas of your life.

  • Self-Love and Self-Awareness 

       Foster a deeper connection with yourself.

  • Ancestral Healing 

       Heal your ancestral and bloodline lineage and bring               forth all the gifts from your predecessors.

  • Divine Creativity  

       Align with soul of your creative project, be it a book, a           piece of art, or any other form of your creative                       expression. 

  • Relationships and Personal Growth 

       Improve relationships, both personal and professional,         and focus on your personal growth journey.


And much much more...

Whato expect

Deep Insights

  • Identify and overcome blockages, gaining profound insights into the areas of your life and business that matter most to you.


Soul's Journey Exploration


  • Discover the intricacies of your soul's journey, uncovering answers and guidance for a life filled with purpose and meaning.


Clarity and Understanding


  • Illuminate the recesses of your soul, paving the way for a transformative journey ahead.

DALL·E 2024-07-30 18.00.47 - A serene and mystical landscape with a sunset over a calm oce

The Journey Begins

As one of your guides, I'm here to facilitate this journey with you.


Book your first session or choose a package to embark on a profound exploration of your true self.

With each session, expect new clarity, profound insights, and a deep understanding of your authentic self, all wrapped in the nurturing energy of love. 


Your spirit guides are waiting.


What will be the first question you ask us?

DALL·E 2024-07-30 18.05.23 - A serene and mystical landscape with a sunset over a calm oce

Book your session

Whether you go for a single session or grab a bundle of 3 or 6,

let me help you discover your true self at the soul level.


Each session brings you fresh clarity, deep insights, and a better understanding of who you are, all wrapped up in a big ol' hug of Divine love.

Choose a package that suits your needs:


  • Book your one-off Summer Special session for only £149 

  • Valid only before 31st August 2024.

Individual Session

  • Dive deep into your records for personalised insights.

  • Standard price is £257.

Pack of 3 or 6 Sessions 

  • Embark on a continuous journey, uncovering layers of wisdom with each session. 

  • Standard price for 3 session pack is £721.

    • That's £50 saved.


  • Standard price for 6 session pack is £1,442.

    • By buying a pack of 6 sessions you are saving £100.

Ready to light up your path to self-discovery and transformation?

Book your session now.

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